Welcome to the Canadian Veterinary Urolith Centre (CVUC) webpage. In collaboration with the CVUC, Royal Canin has offered complimentary leading-edge quantitative urolith analysis since 1998. Your participation supports our ongoing research and development in the area of urinary tract disease while enabling you to provide exceptional care to your patients. Royal Canin is delighted to provide you with this complimentary service for dogs and cats. Thank you for your contributions to the research and development in this important area.
Shipping Instructions
Please read the following instructions before sending a sample.
Please click below for your preferred sample submission form:
New: The online portal can be accessed here: uroliths.lsd.uoguelph.ca
HOW TO PREPARE YOUR SAMPLE FOR SUBMISSION In order to ensure high quality, timely results, please follow these recommendations:
1. Collect the clean dry urolith(s) and place in a clean plastic vial. Urethral plugs, uroliths, and crystals should be submitted dry. There is no minimum size requirement.
2. Please complete the submission form in its entirety. The data on the submission form provides the Canadian Veterinary Urolith Centre with useful clinical information which forms the basis for periodical prevalence reports to the profession.
3. Consider using a courier service to send your samples to the Canadian Veterinary Urolith Centre in order to ensure reliable delivery. Send samples directly to:
Canadian Veterinary Urolith Centre
Laboratory Services, University of Guelph
95 Stone Road West
Guelph, ON
N1G 2Z4 (Courier)
4. Royal Canin will cover the majority of the analysis of canine or feline uroliths. Clinics will be invoiced $22.50 per analysis beginning February 18, 2025.
Uroliths from other species can be submitted for testing but there will be a $72.50 charge for this service and we do not have suggested management protocols for other species. Please note we cannot accept samples from primates.
Once the analysis of the urolith is completed, you will receive an invoice by email. There are several options for payment:
- Cheque
- Credit Card – please call us with payment information or you can pay online using our secure payment portal: https://payments.lsd.uoguelph.ca/login
- Direct Deposit via your bank. Set up payment under “University of Guelph – Lab Services Division”
- Wire Transfers – please call or email us to receive banking information
** Please note we are unable to accept e-transfers at this time.
If you have any question regarding the invoice, please contact Accounts Receivable at 519-823-1268 x57416 or acctsrec@uoguelph.ca
5. Within five working days of receiving the sample, an analysis of the chemical composition of the urolith as well as a comprehensive clinical management protocol of the urolith(s) in question will be available on the Royal Canin Veterinary Portal and will be faxed or emailed to your veterinary practice. If you have any questions regarding the clinical management of a urolithiasis case, please contact the Veterinary Consultation Service at 1-866-567-7088 or submit a case consultation request on the Royal Canin Veterinary Portal.