AFL Cannabis Testing

The AFL is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to ISO/IEC 17025 standards as shown by our scope of accreditation and has more than 23 year's experience providing testing services to a range of industries and regulators including the agriculture, food, and pharmaceutical sectors. The AFL holds a Health Canada analytical Testing License for Cannabis.

Our validated methodology for regulatory cannabis testing has detection limits carefully selected to meet the strictest requirements where the use of the cannabis product is inhalation. Although this may not be the intended use of your product, you can be assured that our methods are robust, sensitive and exceed your requirements. Our Diagnostic and Nutrient testing can support your production from Mother to Weed. We care about you, your brand, your product and your consumers. Our Science Gives You Peace of Mind.

AFL can accept samples for testing from:

  • Health Canada Licensed Producers;
  • Persons registered with Health Canada to produce a limited amount of cannabis for their own medical purposes under the Cannabis Regulations;
  • Persons registered with Health Canada under the Cannabis Regulations to have a designated person produce a limited amount of cannabis for the persons own medical purposes;
  • Health Canada Licensed Laboratories.

Please Contact us for more information and/or if you would like to submit samples. We look forward to becoming good buds with you.



 Health Canada Testing for Licensed Producers


AFL offers full certificate of analysis service and provides the convenience of a “one-stop-shop" for finished cannabis products. You can also personalize your order by picking what you need from our offerings below to create the "right-for-you" report. 

Full Health Canada Certificate of Analysis

Includes: Pesticides (HC 96), Potency, Heavy Metals, Microbial Analysis Panel, Aflatoxins (B1& Total (B1 + B2 + G1 + B2)), and foreign matter.

Pesticides (ppb)

  • LC-MS/MS & GC-MS/MS (In-House Methodology)
  • 96 mandatory Health Canada residues

Potency (%w/w & mg/g)

  • UPLC TUV (In-House Methodology)
  • Total THC & Total CBD (%w/w)
  • 5 Cannabinoids (9-THC, THCA, CBD, CBDA & CBN)

Heavy Metals (ppb)

  • USP <232>, ICH Q3D
  • Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead & Mercury

Microbial Analysis Panel

Included Microbial Analysis


Method Reference

Total Aerobic Microbial Counts

CFU/g or CFU/mL


Total Yeast and Mould Counts

CFU/g or CFU/mL


BTGN Option 1: Bile-tolerant Gram Negative Bacteria for Inhalation Products


EP 2.6.13, EP 5.1.4

BTGN Option 2: Bile-tolerant Gram Negative Bacteria for Non-Inhalation Products

CFU/g or CFU/mL

EP 2.6.13, EP 5.1.8

E. coli


EP 2.6.13

Pseudomonas aeruginosa


EP 2.6.13




Staphylococcus aureus


EP 2.6.13

Mycotoxins (ppb)

  • EP 2.8.18 validated method
  • Aflatoxin B1 & Total Aflatoxin (B1+B2+G1+G2)
  • Ochratoxin A (for export)

Foreign Material (% & Presence/Absence)

  • Visual inspection of cannabis only available as part of Full Health Canada Certificate of Analysis service.
  • If you have found foreign material contaminants in your product that you need identified, please Contact us or visit Foreign Contaminant Identification for more information.

Please Contact us for more information about our regulatory testing services and/or if you would like to submit samples.


Icon Cannabis Horticulture Testing for Licensed Producers


AFL can help with the health and well-being of your cannabis crop through nutrient testing and disease diagnosis. We are here for you and can support your preventive and responsive crop health programs.

Nutrient Testing

Cannabis Package

  • Total nitrogen (TN), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg) and Calcium (Ca), Aluminum (Al), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo) Sodium (Na), Sulphur (S) and Zinc (Zn) in botanical material. 
  • AFL is an OMAFRA-accredited laboratory using OMAFRA-accredited tests. Although tissue analysis is not specifically part of the OMAFRA accreditation program, OMAFRA-accredited labs demonstrate the necessary proficiency to perform plant tissue analysis. As an OMAFRA-accredited lab, the AFL participates in the North American Proficiency Testing Program (NAPT).

Disease Diagnostics

Please Contact us for more information about our cannabis horticulture testing and/or if you would like to submit samples.


Animated Icon AFL Cannabis Testing Frequently Asked Questions



Convenient Cannabis Quick Links

  1. Cannabis Act
  2. Cannabis Regulations
  3. Registering to produce or possess cannabis for your own medical purposes
  4. Good Production Practices Guide
  5. Physical Security Measures Guide to Cannabis
  6. Edible Cannabis, Cannabis Extracts, Cannabis Topicals Final Regulations Summary
  7. Mandatory Cannabis Testing for Pesticide Active Ingredients
  8. Cannabis License Management Guide
  9. Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
  10. Narcotic Control Regulations
  11. Food and Drugs Act (R.S.C., 1984, c. F-27)
  12. Licensed Dealer Testing of Cannabis produced by Individuals
  13. OMAFRA Specialty Crops - Hemp Agronomics and Pests
  14. OMAFRA - Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario